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Our B Corp announcement

Jan 11 2023

Hands holding grains with B Corp logo

It’s official, Pieminister is now a B Corp.

As a B Corp, we are now part of a global community that uses business as a force for good. This means we’re balancing purpose and profit, and continuously aiming for higher environmental and social standards.

Getting here wasn’t easy (the application is rigorous). We think it’s definitely worth it though as the B Corp badge doesn’t just mean we meet the highest environmental and social standards, but also commits us to keeping these high standards up for the long haul.

To become a Certified B Corporation, the B Corp crew scrutinises every part of a business across five key areas: Governance, Environment, Workers, Community and Customers. A company must achieve a minimum of 80 points in the B Impact Assessment to become B Corp Certified and we’re super chuffed to have achieved 88.4!


A huge chunk of points came from all the work we’ve been doing as part of our Pies, Planet and People goals.

Pies, planet and people

Pies, Planet and People 

Becoming a B Corp is just the start. We remain fully focused on achieving the ambitious goals we set ourselves in 2020, to hit by 2025. They cover everything from carbon and waste reduction to employee benefits and charitable giving, to supply chain practices, animal welfare and biodiversity (and loads more in between).


So what does this mean for discerning pie lovers like you? It means that when you buy a Pieminister pie, not only will it taste amazing and be tip-top-quality, you can also rest assured that it’s been made by an independent family business that shares the B Corp community’s vision of an inclusive, equitable and regenerative economy.

Topics: News, Sustainability